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LIFE1: Documentation

You can find links to all documentation from the first phase of the LIFE project (LIFE1) on this page.

Final documentation

Administrative project documentation


Presentations given at the LIFE conference on 20 April 2006

Presentation given at the DCC/DPC event Workshop on Cost Models for preserving digital assests in July 2005:

Presentation given at the JISC Joint Programmes meeting in July 2005:

Also available for download is a copy of the LIFE project poster displayed at the JISC Joint Programmes meeting in July 2005:

Presentation given at the espida event Sustainable Preservation of Digital Assets in a University in February 2005:

Research Review

The LIFE Research Review can be downloaded as either a Word or PDF document:


The LIFE bibliography can be viewed by clicking on the following link, or downloaded as a PDF:

You will need the Adobe Reader software to view PDF files, if your computer does not already have the software it can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.

  • Link: UCL Library Services
  • Link: British Library
  • Link: Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute
  • Link: JISC
  • Link: RIN
  • Link: LIBER

for enquiries contact
LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) is a funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and Research Information Network (RIN) and is a collaboration between University College London (UCL) and the British Library