The following bibliography came out of the research which formed the first phase of the LIFE project.
The references are not an exhaustive review of digital preservation activities, they are a reflection of the aims of the LIFE project. Any suggestions for additions or comments can be emailed to
A printable PDF version of the bibliography is also available for download.
A-D | E-H | I-L | M-P | Q-V | W-Z
Abrams, Stephen L (2004) The role of format in digital preservation VINE34,(2),49-55
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (1999) Life Cycle Cost Analysis Handbook Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau
An, Xaomi (2003) An integrated approach to records management Information Management Journal 37, 24-30
Ashley, Kevin (2000) Digital Archive costs: facts and fallacies Paper presented at the DLM-Forum on electronic records, Brussels, 18-19 October, 1999
Ashley, Kevin (2004) The Preservation of Databases VINE 34, (2) 66-70
Atherton, Jay (1986) From life cycle to continuum: Some thoughts on the records management-archives relationship Archivaria 21, 43-51
Au Yeung, Tim (2004) Digital Preservation: Best Practices for Museums Canadian Heritage Information Network, Quebec
Ayre, Catherine., Muir, Adrienne (2004) The Right to Preserve. The Rights Issues of Digital Preservation D-Lib 10, (3)
Bailey, Steve et al (1997) The implementation of an electronic retention schedule Records Management Journal 7, (3)
Barringer, H Paul (2003) A Life Cycle Cost Summary Barringer and Associates, Humble
Barry, Richard E (1994) Electronic document and records management systems Information Management and Technology 27, (6), 251-256
Barton, Mary., Walker, Julie (2003) Building a Business Plan for DSpace, MIT Libraries Digital Institutional Repository Journal of Digital Information 4, (2)
Baudoin, Patsy., Smith, MacKenzie (2002) DEJA: a year in review: report on the planning grant for the design of a dynamic e-journal archive Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program
Beagrie, Neil (2001) Preserving UK digital library collections Program: Electronic Library And Information Systems 35, (3), 216-227
Beagrie, Neil (2003) National Digital Preservation Initiatives: An Overview of Developments in Australia, France, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and of Related International Activity CLIR Report 116, Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington
Beagrie, Neil., Greenstein, Daniel (1998) A strategic framework for creating and preserving digital resources : a JISC/NPO study within the Electronic Libraries (elib) Programme on the Preservation of Electronic Materials Electronic Libraries Programme Studies. Part 3, Library Information Technology Centre, London
Bearman, David (1996) Item level control and electronic recordkeeping Archives and Museum Informatics 10, (3), 195-245
Beier, Gerhard., Velden, Theresa (2004) The eDoc-Server Project: Building an Institutional Repository for the Max Planck Society HEP Libraries Webzine 9
Berthon, Hilary., Thomas, Susan., Webb, Colin (2002) Safekeeping: a cooperative approach to building a digital preservation resource D-Lib 8, (1)
Boehm, Barry W (1988) A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement Computer 21, (5), 61-72
Boehm, Barry., Egyed, Alexander., Kwan, Julie., Port, Dan., Madachy, Ray (1998) Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study Computer 31, (7), 33-44
Boling, E; Cai, W; Brown, JP; Bolte, J (2000) Knowledge base development: The life cycle of an item in the indiana university knowledge base Technical Communication 47, (4), 530-543
Booker, J (1989) Branch records of Lloyds bank: The analysis of a life-cycle Records Management Journal 1, 142-154
Botticelli, Peter et al (2002) Preservation Risk Management for Web Resources, Virtual Remote Control in Cornell´s Project Prism D-Lib 8, (1)
Boudrez, Filip., Van den Eynde, Sophie (2002) Archiving websites Interdisciplinair centrum voor recht en informatica, Leuven
Brindley, Gavin., Muir, Adrienne., Probets, Steve (2004) Provision of digital preservation metadata: a role for ONIX? Program: Electronic Library And Information Systems 38, (4)
Brothman, Brien (2001) The past that archives keep: memory, history, and the preservation of archival records Archivaria 51, 48-80
Calanag, Maria Luisa., Tabata, Koichi., Sugimoto, Shigeo (2004) Linking preservation metadata and collection management policies Collection Building 23, (2), 56-63
Cannon, Robert E A tutorial on product lifecycle Progressive Distributor
Caplan, Priscilla (2004) Building a digital preservation archive: tales from the front VINE 34, (1), 38-42
CEDARS (2000) Metadata for Digital Preservation: the Cedars Outline Specification Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2001) The Cedars Project Report : April 1998-March 2001 Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2002) CEDARS Guide to the digital archiving prototype Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2002) CEDARS Guide to digital collection management Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2002) CEDARS Guide to intellectual property rights Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2002) CEDARS Guide to preservation metadata Publication of the CEDARS project
CEDARS (2002) CEDARS Guide to digital preservation strategies Publication of the CEDARS project
Chapman, Stephen (2003) Counting the Costs of Digital Preservation: Is Repository Storage Affordable? Journal of Digital Information 4, (2), 208-214
Cheatham, David (1985) The systems development life cycle as a planning methodology for library automation Information Technology and Libraries 4
Chen, Su-Shing (2001) The Paradox of Digital Preservation Computer 34, (3), 24-28
Chrzastowski, Tina E (2003) Making the Transition from Print to Electronic Serials: A new model for academic chemistry libraries Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology 54, (12), 1141-1148
CIMI (2002) Digital Preservation: Where we are. Where we're going. Where we need to be. CIMI
Clavel-Merrin, Genevieve (2001) Initiatives in the field of long-term digital preservation and the need for a continued research effort Zeitschrift Fur Bibliothekswesen Und Bibliographie 48, (3/4), 184-187
Cloonan, Michèle., Sanett, Shelby (2002) Preservation Strategies for Electronic Records: Where Are We Now-Obliquity and Squint? American Archivist 65, (1), 70-106
Connoway, Lynn., Lawrence, Stephen (2003) Comparing Library Resource Allocations for the Paper and and Digital Library: An Exploratory Study D-Lib 9, (12)
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (2001) Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington
Council on Library and Information Resources (2003) Access in the Future Tense CLIR Research Report 126 CLIR Report 116, Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington
Crespo, Arturo., Garcia-Molina, Hector (2001) Cost-driven design for archival repositories Paper presented at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2001
Cummins, Thompson Randolph., Jenks, Thomas (1988) Using life cycle concepts to estimate building costs The Bottom Line 2, (2), 15-17
Dale, Robin., Bellinger, Meg (2001) Collaboration of RLG/OCLC RLG DigiNews 5, (6)
Darlington, Jeffery., Finney, Andy., Pierce, Adrian (2003) Domesday Redux: The rescue of the BBC Domesday Project videodiscs Ariadne 36
Dawson, Alan (2004) Creating metadata that work for digital libraries and Google Library Review 53, (7), 347-350
Day, Michael (2001) E-print Services and Long-term Access to the Record of Scholarly and Scientific Research Ariadne 28
Day, Michael (2002) The Final Cedars Workshop: a report from Manchester, UK RLG DigiNews 6, (2)
Day, Michael (2003) Prospects for institutional e-print repositories in the United Kingdom ePrints UK supporting study, no. 1
Day, Michael (2003) Preserving the fabric of our lives: A survey of Web preservation initiatives Research And Advanced Technology For Digital Libraries 2769, 461-472
Day, Michael et al (2004) Improving the Quality of Metadata in EPrints Archives Ariadne 38
Day, Michael., Jones, Maggie (2002) Summary of: Cedars Final Workshop Publication of the CEDARS project
Day, Michael., Jones, Maggie (2002) A Report on the Cedars Final Workshop Publication of the CEDARS project
Deegan, Marilyn (2001) Management of the life cycle of digital library materials Liber Quarterly : the Journal of European Research Libraries 11, (4), 200-210
Deegan, Marilyn., Tanner, Simon (2002) Digital Futures: Strategies for the information age Neal-Schuman publishers, New York
Dell'Isola, Alphonse J., Kirk, Stephen (1983) Life cycle cost data McGraw-Hill New York
Desmarais, Norman (2004) Innovations Affecting Us - Extending the Life-Cycle of Optical Media Against the Grain 16, (4), 97-98
Diamond, Arthur M. (1984) An economic model of the life-cycle research productivity of scientists Scientometrics 6, (3), 189-196
Digital Archive Attributes RLG/OCLC Working Group (2002) Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities
Drabenstott, Jon et al (1985) The consultants' corner. Projecting library automation costs Library Hi Tech 3, (3), 111-119
Dugan, Robert E (2002) Information technology budgets and costs: Do you know what your information technology costs each year? Journal of Academic Librarianship 28, (4), 238-243
Education for Change and Mind Magic (2004) Technical Appraisal of of the LOCKSS system Report to JISC from Education for Change and Mind Magic
Electronic Publishing Services Ltd (2002) The impact of the extension of legal deposit to non-print publications: assessment of cost and other quantifiable impacts Report prepared for the Joint Committee on Voluntary Deposit
Eriksson, J., Mørch, F (1996) The Tilburg experience: reflections on the Tilburg Summer Scholl on Electronic LibrariesNordinfo Nytt 3, 45-57
Erpanet(2003) Cost orientation tool Erpa guidance
Feeney, Mary (1999) Towards a national strategy for archiving digital materials Alexandria 11, (2), 107-122
Feeney, Mary (ed) (1999) Digital culture: maximising the nation´s investment: synthesis of JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of electronic materials
Fenton, Eileen Gifford (2004) The Digital Preservation Conundrum, Part 2: Preservation and Electronic Archiving
Fenton, Eileen Gifford., King, Donald W., Okerson, Ann., Schonfeld, Roger C. (2004) Comparison of non-subscription costs of print and electronic formats on a life-cycle basis D-Lib 10, (1)
Finney, S (2004) Ignore records management at your peril! Records Management Bulletin31-32
Frey, Lou Ann., Lee, Ann (1987) Online throughout the product/technology life cycle Online Review 11,33-37
Fuller, Sieglinde (2005) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG), National Institute of Standards and Technology
Geppert, Dirk et al (2003) An Overview of a Large-Scale Data Migration Paper presented at the Twentieth IEEE/Eleventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems & Technologies - Global Access to Distributed Storage
Geyer-Schulz, Andreas., Neumann, Andreas., Heitmann, Annika., Stroborn, Karsten (2003)Strategic Positioning Options for Scientific Libraries in Markets of Scientific and Technical Information - the Economic Impact of Digitization Journal of Digital Information 2, (4)
Gilheany, Steve (1998) Preserving Information Forever And A Call for Emulators Paper presented at Digital Libraries Asia 98: The Digital Era: Implications, Challenges & Issues. 17-20 March, 1998
Gilliland-Swetland, Anne J. (2000) Enduring Paradigm, New Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environment Report published by the Council on Library and Information Resources, February 2000
Gorman, GE (2004) What to do about digital preservation? Online Information Review28, 394-395
Gould, Sara (2000) IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation: ultimate considerations International Preservation News 21, 22-28
Granger, Stewart (1999) Metadata and Digital Preservation: a plea for cross-interest collaboration Vine 117, 24-29
Granger, Stewart (2000) Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy D-Lib 10, (6)
Granger, Stewart (2001) Digital Preservation & Emulation: from theory to practice Publication of the CEDARS project
Granger, Stewart (2002) Preservation of e-Learning Materials and Cost Models for Digital Preservation DPC ForumForum on the preservation of e-Learning Materials and Cost Models for Digital Preservation 15th October 2002 London
Granger, Stewart (2002) Digital Preservation and Deep Infrastructure D-Lib 8,(2)
Gränström, Claes (1998) Reformatting: preservation of new media and data migration Comma. International Journal on Archives 2, 77-86
Great Britain. Committee for Terotechnology. (1978) Terotechnology handbook Department for industry. Committee for terotechnology HMSO, London
Greenstein, Daniel (1997) Managing Digital Collections New Review of Information Networking 3, 23-42
Griffin, V.L., Fontaine, K.S., Hunolt, G., Torrealba, D (undated) Cost estimation tool set for NASA´s strategic evolution of ESE data systems
Gruener, Jamie (2004) What's in Store: Debunking information life-cycle management promises Computerworld
Gupta, Yash P., Chin, David CW (1991) An empirical examination of information systems expenditure: a stage hypothesis using the information processing and organizational life cycle approaches Journal of Information Science 17,(2), 73-92
Hanley, Marian (2004) PADI (Preserving Access to Digital Information) and Safekeeping High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine(9)
Harvard University Library Mellon Project Steering Committee. Harvard University Library Mellon Project Technical Team (2002) Report on the Planning Year Grant for the Design of an E-journal Archive Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program,Harvard University Library
Harwood, Mike (2004) Storage Basics: Information Lifecycle Management Published electronically on
Hedstrom, Margaret (2001) Digital Preservation: Problems and Prospects Digital Libraries (20)
Hedstrom, Margaret., Lampe, Clifford (2001) Emulation vs. Migration: Do Users Care? RLG DigiNews 5, (6)
Hendley, Tony (1998) Comparison of Methods and Costs of Digital Preservation British Library research and innovation report 106, British Library, Research and Innovation Centre,London
Hernon, Peter (1994) Information life cycle: its place in the management of U.S. government information resources Government Information Quarterly 11, (2), 143-170
Hodge, Gail (2004) Digital preservation and permanent access to scientific information: the state of the practice A Report Sponsored by The International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) and CENDI
Hodge, Gail M (2001) Digital Archiving in the New Millennium: Developing an Infrastructure A white paper prepared for the Sheridan Press
Hodge, Gail M (2002) Best Practices for Digital Archiving. An Information Life Cycle Approach D-Lib 6, (1)
Hodge, Gail., Carroll, Bonnie C (1999) Digital electronic archiving: the state of the art and the state of the practice A Report Sponsored by: International Council for Scientific and Technical Information Information Policy Committee and CENDI
Hofman, Hans (2002) Review: Some Comments on Preservation Metadata and the OAIS Model Digicult(2), 15-20
Holdsworth, David (2001) Architecture of CEDARS demonstrator Publication of the CEDARS project
Holdsworth, David., Wheatley, Paul (2001) Emulation, Preservation and Abstraction RLG DigiNews 5, (4)
Hollier, Anita (2001) The archivist in the electronic age High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine (3)
Holmes, William M et al (1986) MARC and life cycle tracking at the National Archives: project final report The American Archivist 49, 305-309
Hydraulic Institute, Europump, and the US Department of Energy´s Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT) (2001) Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Analysis for Pumping Systems Hydraulic Institute, Europump, and the US Department of Energy´s Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT)
International Council for Science (ICSU) (2004) Scientific Data and Information ICSU Report of the CSPR Assessment Panel on Scientific Data and Information,
James, Hamish., Pinfield, Stephen (2003) The Digital Preservation of e-Prints 9, (9)
James, Hamish., Ruusalepp, Raivo., Anderson, Sheila., Pinfield, Stephen (2003) Feasibility and Requirements Study on Preservation of E-Prints Report Commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee
Jantz, Roanald (2003) Public Opinion Polls and Digital Preservation - An Application of the Fedora Digital Object Repository System D-Lib 9, (11)
Jones, Maggie., Beagrie, Neil (2001) Preservation management of digital materials : a handbook Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, The British Library
Jones, Maggie (2003) Archiving E-Journals Consultancy - Final Report Report Commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Jones, Maggie (2003) Digital Preservation Activities in the United Kingdom - building the infrastructure IFLA Journal 29, (4), 350-357
Judge, JS et al (2003) Media Stability and Life Expectancies of Magnetic Tape for Use with IBM 3590 and Digital Linear Tape Systems Paper presented at the Twentieth IEEE/Eleventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems & Technologies April 7-10, San Diego
Kay, Russell (2002) System Development Life Cycle Computerworld
Keller, Alice (2001) Future development of electronic journals: a Delphi survey The Electronic Library 19, (6), 383-396
Kersey, Michele (2003) The benefits of lifecycle records management Records Management Bulletin 113, (3/4)
King, Ben (2005) British Library faces digital avalanche Financial Times June 29 2005
King, Donald W., Boyce, Peter B., Montgomery, Carol H., Tenopir, Carol (2003) Library Economic Metrics: Examples of the Comparison of Electronic and Print Journal Collections and Collection Services Library Trends 51, (3)
King, Donald. W., Aerni, Sarah., Brody, Fern., Herbison, Matt., Kohberger, Paul (2004) Comparative Cost of the Electronic and Print Library Collections Draft paper published on the internet, Sara Fine Institute for Interpersonal Behavior and Technology. University of Pittsburgh
Kingma, Bruce (2000) The Costs of Print, Fiche, and Digital Access: The Early Canadiana Online Project D-Lib 6, (2)
Kirk, Dr Stephen J., Dell'Isola, Alphonse J (1995) Life Cycle Costing for Design Professionals McGraw-Hill, New York
Koltun, Lilly (1999) The promise and threat of digital options in an archival age Archivaria 47, 115-135
Kotler, Philip., Armstrong, Gary (1999) Principles of Marketing Prentice Hall, London
Lavoie, Brian F (2003) The Incentives to Preserve Digital Materials: Roles, Scenarios, and Economic Decision-Making White paper published electronically by OCLC Research, OCLC
Lavoie, Brian., Dempsey, Lorcan (2004) Thirteen ways of looking at Digital Preservation D-Lib 10, (7/8)
Lawrence, Stephen R., Connaway, Lynn S., Brigham, Keith H (2001) Life cycle costs of library collections: Creation of effective performance and cost metrics for library resources College and Research Libraries 62, 541-553
Lee, Kyong-Ho., Slattery, Oliver., Lu, Richard., Tang, Xiao., McCrary, Victor (2002) The State of the Art and Practice in Digital Preservation Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 107, (1)
LeFurgy, William (2002) Levels of Service for Digital Repositories D-Lib 8, (5)
Levitan, KB (1982) Information resources as 'goods' in the life cycle of information production Journal of the American Society for Information Science 33, 44-54
Levitt, Theodore (1965) Exploit the product life cycle Harvard Business Review 43, (Nov/Dec) 81-94
Lin, Lewis (2003) The Cost Function and Scale Economies in Academic Research Libaries Library Trends 51, (3), 293-311
Lin, Lim Siew., Ramaiah, Chennupati K., Wal, Pitt Kuan (2003) Problems in the preservation of electronic records Library Review 52, (3), 117-125
Linden, Jim., Martin, Sean., Masters, Richard., Parker, Roderic (2005) The large-scale archival storage of digital objects DPC Technology Watch Report
Longhorn, R; Blakemore, M (2003) Re-visiting the Valuing and Pricing of Digital Geographic Information Journal of Digital Information 4, (2)
Lorie, Raymond A (2001) A Project on Preservation of Digital Data RLG DigiNews 5, (3)
Lynch, Clifford (2003) Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age ARL Bimonthly Report 226
MacIntyre, Ross., Tanner, Simon (2000) Nature: a prototype digital archive Paper presented at the Sixth DELOS Workshop Preservation of Digital Information, Tomar (Portugal) 17-19 June 1998
MacNeil, Heather (2000) Providing grounds for trust: developing conceptual requirements for the long-term preservation of authentic electronic records Archivaria 50, 52-78
Marcum, Deanna., Friedlander, Amy (2003) Keepers of the Crumbling Culture: What Digital Preservation Can Learn from Library History D-Lib 9, (5)
Marley, Steve., Moore, Mike., Clark, Bruce (2003) Building a Cost-Effective Remote data Storage Capabilities for NASA´s EOSDIS Paper presented at the Twentieth IEEE/Eleventh NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems & Technologies April 7-10, San Diego
Masanes, Julien (2002) Towards Continuous Web Archiving. First Results and an Agenda for the Future D-Lib 8, (12)
McGinn, HF (1993) Product development life cycles and library services Bottom Line 7, 35-36
McKemmish, Sue (2001) Placing records continuum theory and practice Archival Science 1, (4), 333-359
Mellor, Phil., Wheatley, Paul., Sergeant, Derek (2002) Migration on Request, a Practical Technique for Preservation Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2458, 516-526
Mnjama, Nathan (1996) National archives and the challenges of managing the entire life cycle of records S.A. Archives Journal 38, 24-32
Moisse, E (1976) Costing information in an independent research organization Information Scientist 10, (2), 57-68
Montgomery Carol H., King Donald W (2002) Comparing library and user related costs of print and electronic journal collections: first step towards a comprehensive analysis D-Lib 8, (10)
Montgomery, Carol H (2000) Measuring the impact of an electronic journal collection on library costs: a framework of preliminary observations D-Lib 6, (10)
Moon, Youngme (2005) Break Free from the Product Life Cycle Harvard Business Review, 86-93
Moore, Geoffrey A (1999) Crossing the chasm Capstone, Oxford
Muir, Adrienne (2001) Legal deposit and preservation of digital publications: a review of research and development activity Journal of Documentation 57, (5), 652-682
Muir, Adrienne (2003) Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation Library and Information Update 2, (6)
Muir, Adrienne (2004) Digital preservation: Awareness, responsibility and rights issues Journal of information science 30, (1), 73-92
NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) (2001) Building NARA's "Archives of the Future" NARA (National Archives and Records Administration)
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (2002) Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) (2002) Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program: A Collaborative Initiative of the Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP)
New York Public Library (2002) Archiving Performing Arts Electronic Resources: A Planning Project Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program, New York Public Library
Nicholls, P., Erkkila, J (1989) Life cycle of CD-ROM: Evidence from the marketing S-curve Laserdisk Professional 2
Nixon, William (2002) The evolution of an institutional e-prints archive at the University of Glasgow Ariadne 32
Ockerbloom, John Mark (2002) Report on a Mellon-Funded Planning Project for Archiving Scholarly Journals Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program, University of Pennsylvania Library
OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata (2002) Preservation Metadata and the OAIS Information Model: A Metadata Framework to Support the Preservation of Digital Objects OCLC
Office of Government Commerce (2003) Achieving Excellence in Construction. Procurement Guide 07 - Whole-life costing and cost management Office of Government Commerce
Office of Government Commerce (2004) Life Cycle Costing Office of Government Commerce
Ojala, M (1996) The life cycle of business information Database 19
Oltmans, Erik (2003) Legal Deposit of Digital Materials LIBER Quarterly 13, 281-289
Oltmans, Erik., Kol, Nanda (2005) A Comparison Between Migration and Emulation in Terms of Costs RLG Diginews 9, (2)
Oltmans, Erik., van Wijngaarden, Hilde (2004) Digital preservation in practise: the e-Depot at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek VINE 34, (1), 21-26
Parker, E (2000) Study of the records life cycle New Review of Academic Librarianship 6, 73-123
Payette, Sandra., Staples, Thorton (2002) The Mellon Fedora Project. Digital Library Architecture Meets XML and Web Services Publication of the FEDORA project
Perreault, William D., McCarthy, E Jerome (2000) Essentials of Marketing: a global-managerial approach Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston
Phillips, Margaret E (2005) Selective archiving of web resources: a study of acquisition costs at the National Library of Australia RLG Diginews 9, (3)
Public Record Office (1999) Management, appraisal and preservation of electronic records Public Record Office
Puglia, Steven (1999) The Costs of Digital Imaging Projects RLG DigiNews 3, (5)
Quandt, Richard (2003) Scholarly Materials: Paper or Digital Library Trends 51, (3), 349-375
Rakhra, AS (1980) CBD-212. Buildings and Life-Cycle Costing Canadian Building Digest 212
Reilly, Bernard F (2003) Developing Print Repositories: Models for Shared Preservation and Access CLIR Report 117, Council on Library and Resources, Washington
Roper, Michael (1993) Automation and archives: progress and policy Archivi and Computer 3, (1), 2-14
Rosenthal, David SH., Lipkis, Thomas., Robertson, Thomas., Morabito, Seth (2005) Transparent Format Migration of Preserved Web Content D-Lib 11, (1)
Ross, Seamus (2004) ERPANET: a European platform for enabling digital preservation VINE 34, (2), 77-83
Rowley, Jennifer (1997) Price and the marketing environment for electronic information Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 29, (2), 95-101
Ruesta, CB (1997) Electronic records management systems and the theory of documentary life cycles in organizations Scire 3, 45-53
Russell, Kelly (1999) Why Can't We Preserve Everything? Publication of the CEDARS project
Russell, Kelly., Sergeant, Derek (1999) The Cedars Project: Implementing a Model for Distributed Archives RLG DigiNews 3, (3)
Russell, Kelly., Weinberger, Ellis., Granger, Stewart (2000) Cost elements of digital preservation Publication of the CEDARS project
Sanett, Shelby (2002) Toward Developing a Framework of Cost Elements for Preserving Authentic Electronic Records into Perpetuity College and Research Libraries 63, (5), 388-404
Sanett, Shelby (2003) The Cost to Preserve Authentic Electronic Records in Perpetuity: Comparing Costs across Cost Models and Cost Frameworks RLG DigiNews 7, (4)
Schach, Stephen R (1993) Software Engineering Aksen Associates, Homewood
Schonfeld, Roger., King, Donald., Okersen, Ann., Fenton, Eileen (2004) The Nonsubscription side of periodicals CLIR Report 127, Council on Library and Resources, Washington
Seadle, Michael (2004) Selection for digital preservation Library Hi Tech 22, (2), 119-121
Semple, Najla (2004) Developing a digital preservation strategy at Edinburgh University Library VINE 34, (1), 33-37
Sergeant, D., Jones, M (2001) Tackling Digital Preservation Publication of the CEDARS project
Seville, Catherine., Weinberger, Ellis (2000) Intellectual Property Rights lessons from the CEDARS project for Digital Preservation New Review of Academic Librarianship 6, 257-267
Shachaf, P (2003) Nationwide library consortia life cycle Libri 53, 94-102
Shaw, KA., Hickok, GJ (2000) Life cycle information management Information Management Journal 24
Shenton, Helen (2003) Life Cycle Collection Management LIBER Quarterly 13, 254-272
Smith, Abby (2004) The Digital Preservation Conundrum, Part I In French, Patricia, S. Serials in the Park Haworth Press, 2004
Sokvitne, Lloyd., Lavelle, Jan (2004) Implementing an Open Jurisdiction Digital Repository - the STORS Project 10, (6)
Sordet, Y (2004) Parallel lives: Digital and analog options for access and preservation Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 49
Stanford University Libraries (2002) LOCKSS: A Distributed Digital Archiving System Progress Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program, Stanford University Libraries
Stephens, Andy (1988) The application of life cycle costing in libraries British Journal of Academic Librarianship 3, 82-88
Stephens, Andy (1994) The application of life cycle costing in libraries: A case study based on acquisition and retention of library materials in the british library IFLA Journal 20, 130-140
Stephens, D.O (1998) Megatrends in records management Records Management Bulletin 3-9
Stilwell, Matthew (1995) Managing a document's life cycle The Law Librarian 26, 416-418
Swan, A., Needham, P., Probets, S.G., Muir, A., Oppenheim, C., O'Brien, E.A., Hardy, R., Rowland, J.F.B., Brown, S (2005) Developing a Model for e-Prints and Open Access Journal Content in UK Further and Higher Education Learned publishing 18, (1), 25-40
Swanson, Don Richard (1993) Intervening in the life cycles of scientific knowledge Library Trends 41, 606-631
Taglienti, P (2004) Building a national strategy for digital preservation: Issues in digital media archiving Library collections acquisitions and technical services 28, 330-331
Tanner, S (2003) Editorial: Economic Factors of Managing Digital Content and Establishing Digital Libraries Journal of Digital Information 4, (2)
Thibodeau, Kenneth (2001) Building the Archives of the Future - Advance in Preserving Electronic Records at the National Archives and Records Administration D-Lib 7, (2)
Thomas, Sarah., Kroch, Carl (2002) Project Harvest: A Report of the Planning Grant For the Design of a Subject-Based Electronic Journal Repository Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon Electronic Journal Archiving Program, Harvard University Library,
Tucker, S.N., Mitchell, V.G., Burn, L.S (2000) Life Cycle Costing of Urban Water Systems Built Environment Innovation & Construction Technology 16
University of Michigan Digital Library Services (2001) Assessing the costs of conversion: Making of America IV: The American Voice 1850-1876 A handbook created for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Upward, Frank (2000) Modelling the continuum as paradigm shift in recordkeeping and archiving processes, and beyond - a personal reflection Records Management Journal 10, (3) 115-139
Verdegem, Remco., Slats, Jacqueline (2004) Practical experiences of the Dutch digital preservation test-bed VINE 34, (2), 56-65
Waters, Donald (2002) The state of digital preservation: An international perspective CLIR Report 107, Council on Library and Resources
Weinberger, Ellis (1999) Practical Aspects of Digital Preservation Publication of the CEDARS project
Weinberger, Ellis (2000) Towards Collection Management Guidance Publication of the CEDARS project
Welsh Health Estates (2004) Life Cycle Costing - Cost Model User Guide Welsh Health Estates
Wheatley, P (2001) Migration - A CAMiLEON discussion paper Ariadne 29
Wheatley, Paul (2004) Institutional Repositories in the context of Digital Preservation DPC Technology Watch Series Report 04-02, Digital Preservation Coalition
White, PR., Franke, M., Hindle, P (1995) Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Lifecycle Inventory Blackie Academic and Professional, London
Wickman, Danielle (1999) What's new? Functional analysis in life cycle and continuum environments Archives and Manuscripts 27, (1), 114-127
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LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) is a funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and Research Information Network (RIN) and is a collaboration between University College London (UCL) and the British Library