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Site updates

Friday, January 25th, 2008

The LIFE website has been updated with the latest conference presentations and papers the team have recently given on LIFE2: 

Risk Assessment and Cost Appraisal given at DELOS conference:
McLeod, R. (2007) Risk Assessment and Cost Appraisal. In: DELOS-Appraisal in the digital world, 15-16 November, Rome, Italy

LIFE Overview given at LIBER Conference:
Davies, R. (2007) The cost of digitisation and preservation: The LIFE Project. In: LIBER Digitisation Conference, 24-26 October 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.

LIFE Overview given at iPRES Conference:
Wheatley, P. (2007) LIFE: Costing the digital preservation lifecycle. In: iPRES Annual Conference, 10 October 2007, Beijing, China.

I’m sure you’ll all be thrilled to know we have also updated the LIFELIFE teampage.

Welcome to the LIFE Blog.

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

This is the blog for the LIFE (Lifecycle Information for E-literature) Project.

It will be used by the project team to keep you updated on how the project is progressing, as well as other digital preservation news that might be of interest.

There is a RSS Feed for the blog (as well as one for comments) to make things easier.

Please feel free to add comments or to contact us directly if you’re interested in the project.

Richard Davies
LIFE Project Manager

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