Sunday 9 February 2025
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Site updates

The LIFE website has been updated with the latest conference presentations and papers the team have recently given on LIFE2: 

Risk Assessment and Cost Appraisal given at DELOS conference:
McLeod, R. (2007) Risk Assessment and Cost Appraisal. In: DELOS-Appraisal in the digital world, 15-16 November, Rome, Italy

LIFE Overview given at LIBER Conference:
Davies, R. (2007) The cost of digitisation and preservation: The LIFE Project. In: LIBER Digitisation Conference, 24-26 October 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.

LIFE Overview given at iPRES Conference:
Wheatley, P. (2007) LIFE: Costing the digital preservation lifecycle. In: iPRES Annual Conference, 10 October 2007, Beijing, China.

I’m sure you’ll all be thrilled to know we have also updated the LIFELIFE teampage.

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