Sunday 9 February 2025
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LIFE Costing Model released for comment

The LIFE Project has recently published a revised model for lifecycle costing of digital objects.

The original LIFE Model was developed as part of the first phase of the LIFE Project in 2006. As part of the second phase of the project, the LIFE team have revised the model taking on board comments from a range of external parties.

This new model (version 1.1) along with a full explanation of how the model works and how to implement it, is available from the UCL Eprints repository here:

LIFE Model V1.1

We would greatly appreciate any comments on the revision. These comments from the wider community will then form part of the final review of the model towards the end of the project.

For comparison the original version of the model is available in the project summary produced at the end of LIFE1:

Any comments regarding the model are welcome, but for guidance here are a few areas that might be worth considering:

  1. Does the document provide sufficient detail to convey a useful description of a digital lifecycle?
    Is there a simple mapping from lifecycles within your organisation to the LIFE Model? If not, what issues/obstacles are apparent?
  2. Are there any significant elements missing from the lifecycle model? Are there any elements that should not be included?
  3. You can comment on the model either privately via e-mail ( or here on the blog via the comments facility. We’d like to get as much as comment and discussion as possible, so the document will be open for comment for two months (i.e. until 7th January 2008).

If you have any questions or queries regarding the revised model, or about any other aspect of the project please just let me know,

Many thanks, Richard

Comments are closed.

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