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Archive for the ‘Digital Preservation’ Category

The 2007 Digital Preservation Award

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Yesterday evening the LIFE Team attended the 2007 Conservation Awards at the British Museum. LIFE was one of five projects shortlisted for the Digital Preservation Award which recognises, “leadership and practical advancement in the digital preservation arena.”

Congratulations to The National Archives which won the award for DROID and PRONOM.

Update: The 2007 Conservation Awards newsletter (Dispatch) has now been released from the main website, it contains summaries of all the projects involved in the awards.

What’s New in Digital Preservation.

Monday, September 24th, 2007

The latest issue of “What’s new in Digital Preservation” from the DPC/PADI, is now available. It includes a brief update on LIFE.

Petabyte for a Century

Friday, September 7th, 2007

Interesting blog post and discussion by David Rosenthal referring to an SDSC paper on Disk and Tape Storage Models given at Archiving 2007.

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